0 Sugarcoating.
First thing first, thanks for ruing my night :0
After reading your blog I didn’t fall asleep ;)
I saw your publications a few days ago, so I marked it for later reading. I had the feeling I need to save it for a special moment.
Last night after being to high in creativity, I was sentenced for hyper night.
I usually don’t take my phone to bed and I forget it far away.. I stepped from this habit for the sheer curiosity I had to read on Medium.
Since I saved your story, I could read it offline.. but I had no idea where it’s going to take me..
I couldn’t stop giggling and rolling in my bed after every section of your writing.. You absolutely killed me! I just couldn’t believe certain words you wrote and it made me read some lines twice or even more just to be sure, I didn’t misunderstand it.
Do you have an idea of how many rubbish, sugarcoated stories are there on Medium?
All those ‘copywriters’ are sipping coco milk lattes somewhere and theorizing all those wonderful methods of living a greater life.
What a bunch of nonesense.. aren’t we over-fed with instructions?!
Show some blood, show some tears, go out there and drown in the mud= Not saying life should look like ‘Sparta’ or anything.. but what about some spicy stories hey?
You took openess to the next level and THAT ‘nude writing’ was absolutely thrilling..
In addition, you touched a subject I was busy thinking about lately, as everyone are acting behind colorful masks and at the end they don’t find love, feel alone, fuck around, don’t understand the world and on top of that not even themselves=What a circus of useless romances.
The rollercoaster you went through was hilarious to read about even though I know at times (back in the church) things weren’t that funny.. and I am happy you took the extra chance to break ice and jump into these waters too.. While we are privileged to enjoy your reading, sitting on our sofas at home.
*How ridiclious is the digital world around sex, love and relationships — I just couldn’t believe Austrians especially act like that.. laughably digusting.
Even when the message was straightforward: Let’s have a quicky (ok) But all this unnecessary brutal posts and exaggeratedly rude messages.. Fast love could be romantic and respectful.. why turning ourselves into ‘sex toys’. For the long run that will slother our hearts into pieces and in an older age we probably won’t be able to put it all back together and enjoy pure and simple affection.
You surprised me with the citation at the end.. I am glad I could spice up your awareness.
Oh my cruzzy, What can I say.. I will fund your journey so you could create more stories and I’d laugh reading them. :)))
Bravo, linda!