Member-only story
Connecting, disconnecting, reconnecting. Swimming in dark ink, dolphins, swimming in light pink.
Rap-writing no stopping, enjoy ;)
Rubbing my eyes, hardly opening, winking the sun telling me I’ve been sleeping like a beast. I’m fuzzy like a wild cat yet even-minded harmoniously.
Turning on Wifi, the screen tells me the opposite.
Tiresome, bothersome.
Distractions overtake my ability to think clearly, to even breathe calmly and deeply.. I drown in those blinking numbers (glady muted, the app symphony) I stare at those notifications piling up and like the jackpot in a 3am casino scene: drunk with glory and beauty. Empty yet happy.
Once I licked the softly-digital candy, there is no turning back.
Everything is boring, everything is dull, slow and dead.
It’s the 4th of July now or what?
I need some fireworks and candies rolling on the grills right now.
Because if not.. because if not.. because if not..
I will probably get to work and do something valuable.
And I can’t let that happen.
I need some sofa time, coffee time.. and again coffee time.. now it’s peanuts time.. then an apple, then some water.. then some poetry on the go.. but very shallow one.. the one thas is easy to write, easy to read.
I love easy, I am mister easy, it’s nice and easy, it’s cozy here.
Come on, another 5 minutes won’t kill you, just relax…