Beauty Industry. Outtamyway!
Today, night skating as always.. breezing the mind from the noisy world.. but that thing kept on coming back, it was buzzing inside my lil brain and made it working extra hours.
I came back home and all my blogging plans were shuttered into pieces and I had to start brain storming right away so I called miss fashion spy (S.B) or ‘business babe’ to get a smart advice on my stupid idea.
I told her about this dream of mine that just refuses to let go.. So I knew at that point.. when your armpit is itching, when your lips are mumbling and when you’re heart is blasting — Stop whatever you’re doing and give it some proper attention, those moments are those golden ones we shouldn’t flush down the toilet.
Oh maybe it’s another silly idea but who cares really, it’s all about the rollercoaster.. no seatbelt, no turning back, red button, oopsy I did it again. Arrest me ok?!
(Respect, Hey! I erased all my famous paintings on Instush and I had like 77 millions followers just without the millions.)
It all started a month ago. I arrived to Paris to start a cycling trip.. I left my bike at a friend’s place so I thought I should crash for the night, fix it and get cruising.. My friend was not at home so she told me there is a dude staying over and he will kindly host me.. haha.. well.. not surprised my friend is hilarious.
I am arriving to her place in shicky shicky baby Paris and a guy opens the door.. a total charming creature. For a moment I had second thoughts: maybe I should turn gay for a while.. It’s the opportunity to try it out since he is more handsome than most of the girls I ever saw in my life and my dating life was sucking badly.
After every flight — It’s workout time, to release the stiffness. So I took of my shirt and started pumping and jumping around.. this guy didn’t hesitate and joined me in a blink of an eye.. the only problem was that he was too handsome haha :) no joking, put your shirt back stranger!
We became best buddies in minutes and that guy was an absolut legend I couldn’t even comprehend it because usually when people look the way he looks, unfortunately they lose their mind, especially in places like Paris.
After greasing my bike with olive oil and tightening some loosen bolts, he offered me some fat free, empty yummy foods that he was cooking earlier and we chilled for a chit chat.
He started telling me his story and I was listening carefully since I didn’t really see it coming.
The guy came from far away, a remote place where he worked as a sailor.. enjoying fishing, gardening and simple things in life.. I asked him politely — What did you forget in dusty nasty Paris brother?
In one of the voyages, a model agent caught him by the net and that was the end of his story. She promised him the world so he said, why not? I am young and free and want to see the world..
So he was just a fresh model that doesn’t make enough living to even rent a place so he was crashing at my friend’s place that is also a model and they are somewhat connected.
He was told by the agency he has to go out and socialize, be seen to get going.. so he did.. and that feeling was very disturbing to him already, walking around those fancy fake swans..
He was offered kindly an apartment, a car and some goodies.. he took it.
After a few weeks he understood he needs to pay with sexual harassment for the dealio so he knocked himself out and restarted his career.
I asked him why? so he replied instantly something like..
“Consider at what price you’re going to sell your integrity; but please, for God’s sake, don’t sell it cheap.” — Epictetus
I was puzzled and frustrated and thought to myself.. how come the whole world is rotating around this bunch of crap..
Is it really possible that we are all fooled by this industry: telling us what to like, how to behave, what is beautiful, what is fashionable, what is successful?
No, it can’t be real.
So I went on Instagram and random websites and I opened my eyes in the streets and looked around me to observe this world that we operate in.. and I glazed, and I wondered. Naaaaaa, can’t be bothered! Let them fool ones play as they wish, I am not the police and not wishing to educate the whole world.
I couldn’t rest in my birds’ nest thinking about what rubbish are we exposed to?!
The world has to know better.. and I know those, I know one survivor already that deserves someone to take him into consideration, to consider him as a human being, a beautiful one, a role model.. that we would be glad to see in the commercials, in the newspapers, in the cinema.. yes even our kids would love .. he will be the future, be the presenters of the endless possibilites, about the looks and ethics yes they can and should go together, about the art and the excitement it can bring.. not big booty big money, but the real deal.. something bright, something refreshing, something something.
Shall we cut the crap and remember what makes a real difference at the end of the day?
Where are the real people to show some groove, to show some moves, to show some simple beauty?
That new bag of yours or the plastic surgery isn’t going to make you happy and definitely not your boyfriend, he is going to forget about it the moment you will get married and he will be wondering where was the real you he never got to know, behind the screens, behind the blushing pink, behind the photoshop, the thai beach scene with the cocktail that made him fall in love with you, but maybe for the wrong reasons? Just maybe but who am I to judge right? I am just playing around trying to think together with you all because for me it doesn’t make much sense so far and I am just wondering what are we going to do about it?
Shall we take a lil look?
Everyday that I wake up, I meet truly fascinating people that make me jump out of my seat, each one in his special and charismatic way.
I want to give them the stage, I want you to be surrounded by those people, if not presently, so digitally, at least you know they exist.
At least you can choose to follow the right pimps, the right ones to present a positive idea, and promote them to even present a bigger one for a bigger audience… Pay attention to who you support and who do you follow.. it’s not a joke anymore.. it’s real, this guys control the world but they can’t control our small decisions and where we lay our eyes right?
Imagine, simple awesome models you can trust, you can appreciate for the right reasons and they will too.
I’m actually not sure where this is going to be honest, but I am going to post whatever piece of awesomeness I can find and I will get a camera and record those trouble makers to make this earth rock.. and if not, I will rock in my bed, smiling to myself, and watching some people I adore.. a bunch of freaky stories worth sharing.. a few natural beauties that make you wanna be them for real.. get to know them, follow them, buy their products, visit them, attend their speech, and even fall in love..
No limits around here.. didn’t put any, so here we go I guess..
That’s the part where I need to explain you something or make a point.. but that’s pointless, I am opening my heart here, not wikipedia.. If a story needs some editing, so it needs some flushing as well.. only raw chocolate, bitter as reality, tastes good to create something with your hands, I am all dirty now so excuse me..
And by the way, massive appreciation for your time reading that pile of reflections.. Would be honored for a comment or an opinion even a kick in the boom boom!
Catch up soon for some trouble making ;)
Birdy here, roger that.