Booooooooom! what an honest punch right here by Boxerlina ;)
I think yes, taking care of the exact words coming out of our mouth may take a bit of the moments beauty but makes a lot of sense, especially thinking about the fact that we have a responsibility for the person in front of us as well…
Imagine meeting someone in a holiday, on a beach party, half drunk, grabbing him by the arm and just asking openly: Hey I like you, wanna dance? He says yes. Hey, I have an idea, can I push you to the pool? Hey, I don’t know but I feel like making love to you but I’m flying home tomorrow.
Does that disrupt the whole flow or is it still allowing you to live in the moment? (pick your own extreme example if that doesn’t fit hehe)
I guess people who know me for a lot of time keep seeing me as the same person while my picture of myself completely changed. Maybe that’s where the guilt comes from. Sometimes I’m missing the words for explaining my inner transformation to others. It can lead to misunderstandings.
Sure, everyone does.
How can you surpass this misscommunication against the odds?
That’s what I decided after having every kind of in-between-relationship, amongst others with a couple who had an open relationship. As we said before, that’s what my “me” of the present is thinking and what I’m telling my boyfriend.
First of all, it’s good you experienced for yourself all those types of relationships and know what works or doesn’t for you.
The you of the present is the most authentic thing your boyfriend can enjoy right? We all crave for authenticity with ourselves and espeically with our loved ones but hey, it has a price. It means you are you and not who you want me to be for you. (sometimes)
I feel like In relation to sexual relationships I can feel more free being in a “self made prison”. The reason is that sex for me was a lot about addiction during the last 10 years (not because of sex-addiction but because of the ego booster effect). So I feel like an alcoholic who did a detox once and now only drinks one beer per week. What is important to say here is that in this case for me it’s much more a commitment I’m having with myself than with my boyfriend.
Bravo for being able to see and admit your ‘self-made-prison’.
It perhaps the only way to unlock it.
And yeah, the part I loved the most is that you are aware of what is good for you now and you’re committed to it, that was exactly the point = that’s compatibility, when your actions match your words and your thoughts.
Your boyfriend is able to enjoy a more simple and lucid partner and not trying to play the guess and please game with someone uncrackable.
Awesome stuff girl!
Throwing some rotten guavas off the roooooooooof! :)