Today is your birthday — I decided to re-connect to my dear friend — YOU, through investing 12 minutes (I am happy I did) and read your half naked, in your face, no bullshit, all the way story.
Estou tão orgulhoso de você!!! First of all for living out there.. taking chances, falling down, getting up, making mistakes, learning who you are and what you value.. giving stars in your agenda for such awesome and unique things.. I was laughing to see — Kindness, ballet moves, silly behaviour.. After all this is the partner you enjoy the most.. so take all these fake certifications and just concentrate on what makes your heart bounce.
I think what you did and publishing it so shamelessly is even more courageous. I believe you are becoming the extra Cruzzzy you are by declaring your lessons out loud and giving yourself the credit to be human, to feel miserable and to have second thoughts on the bathroom floor- I feel you girl, I visit there often and even though we could all play it cool and keep on posting cocktails in the French Riviera on a yacht.. that doesn’t bring us any further in life and not closer to our friends and true followers. So here you go, I am one meter closer to you just because you took the extra mile, and you know what.. you just inspired me to finish the story that’s hanging for 2 months in my ‘Drafts’ and until tomorrow that should be published too! Promised.
Love you my friend, keep on scratching reality, at one point you’ll be grabbing it by the balls, not believing how self-reliant you’ve become.