Hi You/Me
Quarantine selftalks..
I am you and you are me
Me and you forever be
One plus one and we are two
But wait a second who are you
Your side is light and mine is dark
My eyes are tears and yours of spark
Too much jealously, too little equality
No escaping now, bleeding harmony
I seek
You see
I flee
You cheat
I quicky you
You over-think me
I’m weak
You’re strong
Marathon, after the finish line I still run
You sit, you eat, you wear a crown
I’m sick, thrown in the sea
You’ve blown another speech
The truth you try to bleach
I live
You kill
I hold my breath
Not far from death
Lawyer, that’s my birthright!
I’m wrong you’re right
It’s time to write
I fear the flight but I fly anyway
You keep the fight but you lose everyday
The heart is none
My tights are worn
Dancing, mirror glazing
Me, amazing.. you, a clown
Eyes clearing up, pozing down
Poison up my throat I vomit
I vomit you, what is this
Is that you or is it me
The person I want to be
The me inside of me
A mirror or a window
Selfie, I need to swallow
Again, I vomit and I am hollow
Never to follow
The world, I tweet
For you I greet, last but not least
Soulmates were born apart
Reconnecting, disconnecting
Mirror shattered, lights off
Out of my sight
I can’t see anything
I don’t want anything
I hear or dream is it bling bling, insurance calling
I kiss me I spit you bring bring, between heaven and hell I swing
Bring nothing
Nothing from you
There is no two
Only me not you
Winner but lonely
Fake gold medal
Get off the pedestal
you’re not my role model
You lose I win
Your time is up
Your God just hung up
But I still see in you my dull coffee cup
Slaves of grains
Grains of sand
Drifting sands the desert is vast
40 days to the promise lands
No thanks, I don’t eat dessert, just let me out of the gate
Fortunely desserted, myself, not yet abandoned
Away from lying mirrors
From broken hearts
Must I go?
Go now!
Go nowhere?!
Quarantine party, it’s only you and me, but this time we must stay sober
We’re stuck here together so you better hold me closer
Because today, I have no other
Ultimately, when all of this would be over
I could finally recognize who’s that talking to me in the mirror