"If you wish to be a writer. Write."
The bitter-true words by Epictetus, sitting in deep mud of ancient times,
Philosophizing about the art of living, which resulted ultimately by mere practice. WTF?
Michael, I connect with your intention and allergies to fast-poetry too. Believe me. (And yeah, your work was truly fascinating as I have no clue even what categories do I produce)
In this marshmallow world we live, perfection has become an illusive enemy and mastery is non-existent to the masses of overly sweet candies.
When, how, and why to look at your draft with shivering yet cool-headed fingers and push the freaking publication button.
This might be a sole rights-demand to be ourselves as julia Hawkins mentioned.
Julia reinvents her reality LIVE and allows us to see the rules book is long gone and personal diaries are actually the best works, they impact indirectly because they're not even supposed to be seen; now how refreshing is that?!
I don't discard your advice and request for quality and fine art.
I just believe there are too many artificial flowers out there, and yeah, for me, a crawl in the mud is very much the product I am here for.
*Started using Grammarly just 4 days ago, and noticed the massive improvement - not automatically but to grammar. 5 points Michael.
That's why my fav artist lately is J.D. Harms which spits words like the paper shredder machine in a back office and sent to the recycling corner. (Where I am at my best harvest)
It looks like a draft to me: a total beginner, but it feels like gold.
I swim in his words daily and I never cease to be amazed by the mental stimulation it casts over me.
Doubly muddily please.
*Surprisingly he's been liking my unfinished published drafts.
So a reader-writer contribution is possible through rawness rather than professional and punctual works.
Which might just take a bite of our authenticity, the good old type not fluffy wanna be beautiful poetry.
And kurt gasbarra oh mama! is the biggest scribbler I have ever seen in my life. The absolute best.
Pictures and words almost venomous to barbie dolls, but oh yeah. So original, so unique so him. I am a fan because he’s a real person.
He makes me laugh too! Yes, what is more valuable?
Another sidenote,
I was one of the worst students in school, resulting in not even knowing how to write. English language?
It might take years of time to learn the mastery, but what about hard-won-street-wisdom to be shared?
Unfortunately, it would appear as a draft for the honed poet, you.
Thank you for reading my long comment and I am definitely jumping on your works soon.
You're welcome to write me here your top 3 and I'll get to dive soonish.
It's been too long now, but I am not going to pour makeup. Sorry for that again. (Look at your impact, you're doing great Michael)
Muddy piggy hugs.