Jump! No! Stay! Go! Yes! What? Shut up!
2019. Nice to meet you. Stranded on the island of life or a life on an island?
Who touched the tempo button?
As long as the pages of history can recall, life had never been so ‘logistically speaking’ full.
Someone is screaming in the background many orders.. It might be your spouse or boss or colleague or a bus driver or a street hooker or YOU!
Sipping coffee at the morning…. my mother’s alarm (those old manual ones)woke me up ealrier than wanted.. I jumped out of my bed with a puzzeled face, encouraging myself to start my morning routine earlier.. Getting excited about the sweat and energy.. the inner calmness, the relaxation.. I stopped to write as there is something unsolved in this morning’s feeling.. I am listening carefully to the background sounds of the valley.. Everyone is doing something.. a lot of somethings.. all together.. rushing.. buzzing, connecting, building, inventing, commuting, doing doing doing.
Did we have in mind to be like that? Whose walking on the sea shore, barefoot, collecting shells…. or that just being zoomed out from modern society?
So you’re stuck on the island of life.. but how can you possibly take a critical decision while being so horrifingly agitated and full of everything?
It was absolutely hilirious as in this exact moment my mother went out the balcony to ask whether my phone is near me.. I told her I don’t use it, it’s my morning routine.. she said: your father is trying to reach you. I told her: I am not available it’s my morning routine.. then the phone rang.. I mean another phone.
Lots of love is running through the veins of this family.. but what is the pressure? Why staying so connected? 24/7 something is happening.
So back to the subject.. decision making.
Time passed by rapidly.. I couldn’t tell when I was younger that life will just flow as a tsunami..
The ability to stop, breathe, think, feel & correct the course is a privilege..
Hey hey, so what is more important here? doing fast or doing what is right!
Auto-pilot is not part of this human brain and we need to remind outselves that life is too precious to get distracted and rushed and just get going..
It’s truly astonishing how 1 billion something people live in china right? I guess no Chinese person is reading my boring writing but that’s just an assumption.
So from your point of view, the Chinese look like little rushing rats thinklessly operating.. let’s go with that idea.. it’s easy to open the TV or travel there physically and criticize them.. but what about the neighbor’s cat that’s looking at you, trying to eat breakfast, post on twitter and get dressed simultaneously and then get to work with a squeezed lemon face, not saying but feeling in words- WHAT AM I DOING HERE?
So, this work you’ve been doing and studies you’ve been taking and the relationships you’ve been investing and the memeberships you’ve been ticking.. and what… what what what? tick tock tick tock tick tock make a decision now! Google Maps voice detector: Take me here.
Autopilot is not available for your free-spirit spontaneous street cat heart.
A cat follows an intuition brilliantly.. feels the earth.. feels the surroundings.. feels itself.. BOOM! Got it, snacked it, slept it, mate it, lived it.
I guess it’s time to do the catwalk now. Dancing time. See ya!