Lifeless Liferaft
A surrealistic story based on mixed true events and feelings. *written live from the Ocean.
It was a sunny day on the coast of Ascension Island, the absolute middle of the Atlantic ocean. A 10 years old, half English half Sri Lankan boy went to give a hand to the hatching turtules in the natural reserve near by the main town and only town: Georgetown. Only 600 people live on this tiny island.. It fosters a sense of familyhood at the end of the world.
The boy was living abroad in English territories for many years, following his father’s steps as an explorer and as well a conservationist. He has seen the storms of life, and was a wild mélange of cultures.
He was influenced greatly by many languages and philosophies, which made him twice sharper than the average Londoner.
For the first time in years, he was absolutely astounded. He couldn’t believe his eyes. It was an old liferaft unmanned… drifting ashore. “They don’t even make those rafts anymore..” Thinking loudly and passing shivers all over his body: “What lives that raft was to save?”
He jumped in the water swimming head out like a restless dog, grabbed a sunken rope and tied the little raft to the seabed, anchored by the weight of a…