I shouldn’t be here, next to your shadow.
I shouldn’t say or do, or even dare to think or think to dare, there is a chance.
I shouldn’t be falling, not in love, and not off this cliff.
Here it goes again, a memorandum.
I tend to, I favor to, I am thinking of you in present progressive.
No, you’re right.
I mean yes.
I’m a mess.
I shouldn’t have picked you up amid these drifting sands, you’re just a grain, just a grain.
My restless palms were digging for fake gold and useful rubbish, I am awfully confused about what life means.
You mean a lot to me.
I am embarrassed to witness the heartbeats of a remote and unknown archipelago, where you’re from I am curious to show up, but I will never ever attempt to sail to.. or will I?
Challenged by your magnetic pull, a different time zone, lost logic, but human touch reaches far, further, I want to see and kiss you behind your neck where it’s tense. A criminal, no doubt. Give me a life sentence. Just don’t, tell me not to…
I set my sails, no destination in mind, as I believe in the accidental deviation to arrive at your safe shores half by mistake, half by intention, again…