Moments On The Moon
Reverse-engineer travelling and restless pleasure seeking
*based on a real story.
30 miles off the coast of Sicily I found myself on a tiny volacanic island..
Lying on the pebbels and juggling a few over my touristy-minded head..
What did I want to come this far? What was/is missing? Nothing..
The magazines and beautiful publications again convinced me otherwise..
There is always a nicer place to see, to be.. spending time, money and energy..
Upon arriving to heavens, I rethink, I stare the Italian skies, they are blue..
I dare to stare inside my own mind, it’s blue.. Hmmm it’s all the same..
I am looking for some lush greenary, do you have anything around?
Yes, Green Mountain, right over there.. 20 Euros for a taxi. Just for you..
Will I find the best observation point on the island and on myself?
The taxi driver mumbles something in Italian and mimic photo taking..
I stay on the beach, I stay in the same spot.. the pebbels are uncomfortable but pleasantly hot and they take me on a journey to the moon.
On the moon: there is no gravity, no horizon, no landscape, no island, no pizza, no regazza, no expectations.. I finally float aimlessly and dare to play..
I jump in the water and play with breath-hold loops, I breathe deeply then I hold my breath.
I open my eyes, I close my eyes. I swim, I float. I dream, I don’t.
Relooking over my shoulder and hearing chin chin, saluti! Life’s good on the island.
Another sip of expensive red wine, another cheat of mental silverline.
Come, come lay on the pebbels, a ticket to the moon, it’s free and surprisingly fun.
No one comes & I ask myself why..
My brain stops to work and my heart starts to pump green blood to my relaxed body.
I found greenery on the moon and oxygen too.
01:00am, the day afterwards, just before getting to the airport.. I decided to skate all night instead of sleeping..
That’s a very strange priority and serves as a great reminder of our inner conditioning..
Who we really are is discreetly hiding in our awkward priorities in life.
The real answers are under our bum, not on the moon.