My Sweet 19
Oh my daddy, arrest me, put me behind chocolate bars, disco police, I am guilty.
Today someone thought I’m 19 and on top of that a 19 years old girl had crushes on me. I am not like 87 years old but hey.. what was that all about?
Today was an extraordinary day but not because a luxurious schedule but but but because the right feeling was hitting me after a long long time. “long long ling long long oh yeaaaa”
Floating on a boat and being released into the world again was a great opportunity to see things differently and to feel differently. Oh mama that feels nice!
What did I do?
Woke up early 05:30, deep stretched in the balcony, danced in my room, had a good breakfast.. had a lottt of water (Sparkling ones-because I’m fancy!) and went to see my father. He was at an ugly garage getting his pick up truck fixed and that was at an ugly city. When I say ugly I mean it.
That when things turned around- we discussed how fun it is to wait and not to rush and we were just having good time together speaking about life, Rosemary Dream, travels, fitness, relationships whatever..
He was bombarded with many things to buy and fix so he’ll get through the final ‘ car test’ ..
Instead of being worried about the amounts of time running by, we just took a break, went to eat hummus in the street and enjoy the simple emptiness of that day.
When we finished that, we went for a nap in his house that is a few miles away in a small agricultural settelment with a view to Jordan. It’s called ‘Homeland’ in hebrew.
We napped and napped and woke up and talked about his family and their life and how crazy it was.. My fater gave me presents such as olive oil, honey and dates which was hilarious.. but that’s my papa and I love him for that.
He took me to his organic garden where he founded years ago a volunteering center to educate the young generation with “knowing your land” kind of make the land, grow your stuff, get dirty, and take some vegies home to your family… so nice… more in the next blog or actually interview :)
We went to swim in our family’s kibuttz (shared settlement) just near by.. and had such a good time waiting for the pool to be opened (there was a problem with the water so we had to wait)
It’s not the place I would expect to meet young foreign sexy girls but here there are.. flirtting.. (or maybe it is just my wild imagination)
I just went to make coffee and there she was, this incredibly gorgeous funny accent kind of angel making her way to chit chat and sniff for trouble..
We jumped in the pool, I thought to myself, wow this is hevean.. I am a lucky bustard!
I decided to go for a 50meters underwater swimming with one breath.. it is some kind of a regular mental test I love to do once in a while..
Now freediving is all about mental calmness, if you’re stressted even just a little bit, it will be intensified during the attempt because your toughts will drift negatively and you’ll quit still having lots of air.. or if you’re a really good fighter, you could make it but suffer the way.
I made it and it was fairly easy..
I kept on swimming, faster and faster, getting happier and happier to a point where I was literally smiling in the water! Imagine a smile of a Golden Retriever playing. (cover photo)
I went out of the pool and I felt my body has doubled in size and my inner energy felt the same.
I went stretching on the grass. Before I was able to enjoy a peaceful moment on my own, this bunch of 4–5–6 years old were climbing and jumping on me.. that was the top of the day, certainly! :)
I went down to take a shower then this 45 years old asked my papa if I am his son… he said, “they’re still growing haa, those youngsters” I responded: “Papa is feeding me well” and he said “what are those muscles are you 19–20 years old?” I told him I am 32 and he couldn’t believe it..
Neither did I.
I felt so young, so good, so calm… It was my energetic frequency.
It doesn’t come for free, but after working so hard for years and I finally unlocked that endless stress from work, reltionships etc..
That’s when I got my real physiological age back.
I felt like I was told the secret of life, So now I like to share it with you.. that’s all. Or maybe just to see there is no secret at all, hmm probably not patented by any ‘beauty skin-repair company’.
Good luck! The sharks in their suits will ask you to hurry up, you know your rights now. ;)
I always thought everyone talks rubbish when they feel so old and useless in their degrading bodies. Until I felt it myself, hmmm not so pleasant.
I believed deep inside very strongly that if you keep that fresh attitude, staying wild and active.. looking at things with extreme curiosity and staying loyal to the free simple things in life: Water, sunshine, wind.. you don’t need to be a genius to understand that you’re going to beat the city clock…
What do I mean by the ‘City Clock’ = You’re time is passing too quickly and you’re running after it.. you body hates you, you hate your life, you try to fix it with artificial solutions and the end result is that you get older, quicker than you can see. Quicker than your time, whatever way you’re counting it.
If you took a mega challenge or a disaster happened to you, I can understand a life experience passed by and sucked the years of youth out of you.. that can happen (happened to me for a while), as talked about it in the last blog, you can still leverage that for your own benefit but that’s another story.
What I am trying to talk about is — Physiologically speaking — how old do you actually feel?
Do you want to grow up fast and reach success? What is success/?! — If you ask nature it’d probably tell you — Stay functional = Breed as much as you can and try to survive, how do you do that while pushing your body in the wrong direction, unfortunately — City Clock (unless you’re a master of it.. and that is very possible) will tick tock too quickly…
So are you going to stay on that lane or demand your rights to stay young and foolish? Don’t we all want to be adults in kids bodies? Is it just me, it’s ok you can call me crazy.. and what should I call you? You tell me!
I actually didn’t come here today to start another criticism session and not ‘10 things you must do to stay young’ .. you can find millions of better authors to give you instructions.. I am here to scribble some on this piece of paper with my pen and check my own reminder.. Not trying to convince anyone but perhaps to shatter your mirror on the floor and say oops.. it was you! hahaha it makes me luagh just to imagine your face when it happens..
Breaking mirrors should happen once in a while if you want to fix the image you see in it. ps fix the way you see the image.
Ok, I have been trying really good to exhaust you until now so maybe you found something better to do.. hmm
I will be cruising from here.. extra seat on my left, you’re the driver darling.
Oopsy I put the story upside down, but who cares. (shhhhh it was on purpose)