Oh my Josie Daisy.
At the first 1/3 I was somewhat: "What the fuck is this about"
At the 2/3 I was: Freakinggggg poetic killing it, bring it on, more funny jingles, more jokes on the behalf of yourself, more cursing the world.
At the 3/3 I was: This is the deepest shit I read for a a while. Immensly proud to be hear reading about your PSTD, I can totally resonate as I am swimming in tormenting inner storms. And yeah, Some really awakward stuff such as a "Warm Office" could become golden treasures in such difficult days. Lives.
Love you already, definitely following if this what's been roaming in your guts, I can't wait to see what these life experiences are producing.
Would you like to send me your fav writing so far?
Big hugs from a cold and windy ocean. My house.