Ready, Not Ready, Rock It!
How long are you going to sit there and wait for something to happen?
That something is not going to happen and you are going to burn your life like re-fried french fries.
Are you waiting for someone to tell you what to do or do you have a gut feeling of where this fantastic disposable life of yours is heading?
Are you excited to wake up in the morning? Do you create excitements on your own or do you need to make money so you could ask for room service?
Early adoptors are the ones that take initiatives, move mountains and tackle current norms. We love them.
But who is producing those wild babies ready to be adopted?
Before the world even noticed, there are some ass kickers and secret bombers that really make the ripple wave a lil tsunami that washes away all traffic jams of lost and confused humans.
Nice to meet you, you’re under-arrest, turn around and show us that white thing so we could leave you a temporary souvenir that will wake you up from the dormant status you’re stuck in.
“If you want to be a Rocket. Rock it”
We are not better, not smarter, not stronger, not faster than you or anyone else.
But we don’t settle for less, we just can’t accept this life to be as it is served to us on the regular menu..
What is the special dish of the house? you don’t have anything, no worries, let us erupt into the kitchen and talk to the chef, ah he’s too busy, no worries we will make something for ourselves, ah can’t do that, no worries we’ll go and buy groceries and eat in the park with some strangers.
All this can’t do, can’t have, can’t make it, can’t afford it, can’t can’t can’t.. is rhymeless.. let’s take ‘can’t’ drop the T like it’s hot put DY and you get CANDY! It goes with READY, BUDDY, SHADY, MUDDY, SUGAR DADDY all the best words in the vocabulary..
We love throwing candies all over.. candeis that make you feel unstoppable, like Superman’s food.. ain’t nothing special about it, it’s actually placebo(but that stays between us here), it’s just good, very good, very crazy. too crazy vibes. Those vibes radiate to your skin and absorb in your blood — you are all high on ecstasy, lost your identity somewhere highfiving dancers and laughing about yourselves — because for the first time in life your heart is beating as if you were a Giraffe that was born into the Savanna, just 5 minutes ago- Shapelessly awesome.
You stand on your feet now, no one is going to be pushing you towards the lush grass, you want to eat? There is no Pizza Hut around here, ohhh there is a crocodile on your right side, sprint that baby Giraffe like in the Olympics. Oh sorry, the puddle of mud has dried out, you need to walk an extra 100km for the next source.. ok cool, your first walk and you’re already bumping into numerous surprises that will turn you into a beast.. Can you make it? Can you rock it?
There is no need to apologize for not doing your homework- it’s your homework.
Yesterday I visited a small town on the Congo River Delta. I’ve noticed some local artists make some wood work. I decided to buy a small sculputre of a Wild Hog. Disgusting, ferocious, stiff and smelly.. ready to dig in the mud, ready for life, ready to ass face the ugliest things with a noble attitude that we humans cannot even notice.
I put it next to me bed, it’s my horrible silent alarm, looking at me at 05:30 this morning and asking- what are you looking at? it’s a reminder that there is so much more I can give, I can extend, dive into the deep mud of life and find the hidden treasure everyone was too lazy to even bother thinking of (reality shows will demostrate that for us and then we will go and do it too, one day, maybe, someday) and just go out there and break the rules that actually just exist in our mind, the rules of what is possible and what isn’t.. The Wild Hog ate the rules book and left me with a shameful face, saying… But butttt buttttt butt but… non relevant.
You are your own startup or stuckup!
Get going, jump out of your skin, people will join you and become your number one friends, your followers, your partners, your bosses, your X’s, your something, things will happen and you’d be bombarded with astonishment of how all of this had happened?! Press that red button and launch that Rocket inside of you into an uknown land.. Navigation map- What? Estimated route-But? Logistics note-Yet? Fly away and stop looking backwards, do you love looking at your bum so much? it’s full of candy and you better burn that thing, because if it’s not on fire, it’s not moving ‘Puppy Giraffe.’