Rick Rosstatic!
First off all I’m loving your language, hitting jokes here and there and flowing in a very informal way.
Your honesty and real life examples got me intrigued and carried away to focus on the small details and nuances.
Yeah, what a freaky story.
You me laughing on your behalf at times, and also proud. Doesn’t sound too easy when who know what this brain of yours produces late at night.
Extreme anxiety can cause some harmful cycles for sure and it’s very educational to see what you heve come up with to solve this repetitive mystery. Ohhh your nights were wilddddd, not in my hungriest times I remember anything like that and I used to be a boar. A shameless boar. (Talking as I’m still cooking at 23:14 and not ready yet. Mama mia.
Anyways, thank a lot for the effort to bring this experience alive.
I would actually want to hear more about the intermittent fasting you do, if you have a source you can link me with or just send your own comment.
Hasta la vista brahhh