Smiling Silence

Cormoran Lee
2 min readAug 1, 2020
Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash

Hi what’s your name?
She just smiles..
So where are you from?
She just smiles..
Am I disturbing you?
She just smiles..
I am just going to sit here.. ok?
She just smiles..
I order a drink.. don’t say anything, I will get you something.
She just smiles..
I just smile..
She looks away..
Hey hey, I’m here!
She crosses her legs..
I open my phone..
She takes it..
I gulp the whole one liter beer in one go. I’m hot, I’m thirsty and mainly nervous.
She just smiles..
I eat popcorn.
She throws popcorn at me and laughing..
I smile and protect myself, not daring to respond verbally.
What does she think? I ask myself.
She just smiles..
A friend passes by, I introduce her.. this is Big Smile.
What do you mean, he wonders..
She just smiles.. That’s all.
He tries to shake her hand but she just smiles..
He leaves, she doesn’t smile.
She looks at me..
I look at her..
She gets closer..
I get closer..
She’s 1 centimeter away.. I feel her warmth, her breath, her magentic force.
I freeze.
She just smiles.
I am frozen.
She approaches my ear while passing the skin close enough that I am drunk from her flowery perfume, what perfume is that? I ask.
She puts her hand on my lips.
She starts to say something while I am shivering.. she feels me.
She blows in my ear and I am going nuts.
I am half in love half horny half scared half thunderstuck.
I’m 200% enlivened like never before.
She whispers in my ear.
Can you keep a secret?
Sure sure.. sure.. of



Cormoran Lee

I pour my heart involuntarily into words, since I found that writing is the ultimate solution for a nightmarish sailing journey. I can still connect with you :)