Stop Playing.
It’s what I hear every day. Why?
Why is everyone so serious?
I went with my mother to the supermarket this week.. I walked there, there was a beautiful sunset.. I waited for her with the shopping cart. She arrived organized, neat, with a list, ready to do shopping. I was enjoying my time, observing the sun and ready to come inside and play shopping.. it’s fun right? I was skating the cart, she told me to stop. I was rotating the cart and catching it, she told me to stop and asked to take her cart herself. I started dancing and singing, she told me to stop and said, why do you behave this way it’s so disrespectful. A man approached my mother and whispered in her ear, loud enough so I could hear it too: “Look at all these boring people around us, they are lifeless robots. Look at your son, he’s full of life & joy, he’s so cool- look at him.. let him be himself and just accept him as he is” My mother responded: phhhh he’s a crazy man refusing to grow up and still acting as a foolish youngster.
What’s up with that?
I realized only afterwards that the man that approached us was a famous man from the area that owned one of the most successful restaurants around here. When I told that to my mother she said: “Because he thinks that way his restaurant went bankrupted”
He was a very gentle person helping us with the groceries since I was cooking that day for the whole family and wanted to get his experienced advice regarding the cooking.
To me, he was the only sane person in the supermarket, paying attention to the ingerdients, loving his food and buying real food.
For me that was a very important milestone and it made me tell my mother just 10 minutes ago:
Maybe it’s my upside down mentality but that’s my reality.
We, children, are not here to serve pre-set goals of our parents, teachers, partners, governers and so on.. we are here to live in whatever way and be whatever we wish to be and become.
Since when, life became so boring.. like really, no really this time- Are you dead serious that you want to grow up too fast? Do you think you impress anyone with that busy life of yours, getting things done quicker than anyone else, playing it safe and winning the race of life.. Who wants to race and be so miserable? Do I have to fit into your style to be liked? Actually I am out, find my in the feilds because I don’t actually get what you’re trying to tell me… it’s sounds like a tape from the 90’s something about success, money and family.
When you’re head is brainstorming and your heart is pumping, let me know, we’ll sit on the floor and play rules-less chess while petting a street cat.
Hello, I am society and I want you to follow the norm. Shut up ok!
So these are the most successful people in the world, incredible amount of following and fame, zillions of dollars on marketing and commercials- bending your right to be creatively expressively YOU and literally telling you — “Hey ugly human, wanna be something? Be me!”
How do you believe this crap and telling us all=the outskirts, we are wrong?
Who are you following and who are your followers? Someone misses you when you’re gone? Can you show you Instagram account to a 6 years old girl and be proud? Can you share your “real story” with a stranger and make him/her inspired to act as you? \
These famous plastic like people are so popular and they are focused mainly on the most superficial aspects of life, creating new desired lifestyles for us to follow… NA NA NA hold on, Do I need to work as a slave for life now so I could afford to buy myself 50 handbags? Do I need to post fake vacations with my abs/tits to get more followers and be liked (feel appreciated and loved)
How I love to go on Tinder, Instagram and the like sometimes just to remind myself this is so wrong.. we are falling for such harmful behaviour and there we play it mindful.. buying a pink mattress going to the park and doing a private yoga thing… Mama mia, some spanking is required around here..
Wake up and cut the crap, what is going on around you? Look at the mirror and don’t take a selfie this time, take your lipstick and write in big red bold: