Take Cover
Daddy Cruzzy Mummy!
I can highlight your whole blog because I didn’t stop laughing even once (well maybe once)
Again and again, this girl is vomitting on the screen her life, and it’s amusing to see the bravery and the bursting attitude.
You literally have no screens, no bounderies and nothing to hide because your life is finally on the verge of explosion — Everybody sees, everybody hears and then you can finally win the day, win the year and win your life because you do it SHAMEFULLY!
The 3some chat was brilliant! I think many of your thoughts were crystalized and now everything is turning into action.
A very uncomfortable action I must say, since you’re about to ‘monk yourself’ and fast the thing you desire the most. “bang, then the drum goes” hahaha
Your commitment is admirable and I am excited to see how this 2020 is going to look like.
If you ask me, your market value will rise remarkably but the real value that is going to take over will be your self-value which I believe it’s the main objective this year.
Once you’d surpass this, you’ll see how those Hot Aussies will come hunting for you!
I promise you.
And yeah, fighting nature’s will is the most difficult, the will to breed, to have sex, ‘to survive’, to enjoy today and forget about tomorrow.
But the real reward lies behind the scenes, people like you that are willing to risk the instant pleasure for a life-time of satisfaction of ultimately reaching the Cruzzy you want to become.
Yes, we are filming you, but the camera was dropped on the floor mistakenly when we started clapping and couldn’t stop.
The best writer of the year by far.
And the adventurer behind it too!
Medium Community, the girl writes jokes (on her expense) and kills you simultaneously! (on your expense)