Thank you for the comment dear Alina.
First of all, I appreciate your doubtful thinking, it’s not fun to test our own belief systems, yet it is critical to constantly re-calibrate our commitments, as you mentioned we are never the same. (in only some parts of our personality of course)
That by itself is already some sort of honest attempts=self-doubting.
“Is it possible to commit to any relationship then? Wouldn’t it be the most honest thing to avoid any kind of promise? And if no, aren’t the most beautiful moments in life that beautiful because they seem to be infinite? Isn’t it part of living in the moment that you pretend it would last forever?”
I guess the author of a life that has full control and awareness over every situation would be the champion. But we are not magicians nor perfect.
Alina, can you commit to flow and not make life-changing decisions at the festival?
Can you commit to always tell the truth in a romantic relationship?
Can you commit to be carefree and have the best time of your life today?
There are many types of commitments and not all of them mean unshakeable totality. If we want to be more compatible with our intentions we should start using words that allow flexibility: I would try to be there for you.
And we can commit not to commit at all, that’s cool.
Wouldn’t you prefer to surprise someone with your wholehearted presence, spontaneously than to act like a scheduled flawless angel?
Wouldn’t you prefer to say you care about nature, but sometimes you choose not to care because you want to enjoy and relax from your own expectations?
Do you think that there are things that never change about us and our promises to the world and some other things are expected to change?
“I always felt guilty for my promises afterwards and on the other side I don’t regret them because it was part of the beauty…”
Felt guilty but didn’t regret it.
We make a lot of mistakes, more than we would like to admit, no probs, that’s part of life and being a human.
At every age of our life, our priority pyramide looks different.
Live in the now is sometimes surrender to the now and not caring about consequences, I agree.
But how can you tell when it’s against your own promise to yourself? (and you shouldn’t do it)
I will write a blog soon about the ‘angel girls’ that had wanted to have sex with me even though they were in a relationship.
I hope I touched all your questions and curiosities.
Looking forward to hear your thoughts and ping pong this subject to reach a better crystalization.