Member-only story
The Curse/The Cure
2 Stories. 1 Metaphor. 0 Life.
Emma, 24, swimmer, shy, passive smoker, lawyer (walks to work) ,engaged, 5 Instagram posts of frozen rivers, from Bern, Switzerland.
Weekly scheduled self-talk:
Montag 6am: Gotta keep them thoughts all to myself.
Dienstag 6am: Gotta keep them thoughts all to myself.
Mittwoch 6am: Gotta keep them thoughts all to myself.
DonnerStag 6am: Gotta keep them thoughts all to myself.
Freitag 4pm: Gotta kill them emotions and remain pretentious.
Smastag 11pm: Gotta get drunk again and lose all my senses.
Sonntag 8pm: Gotta keep them eyes closed from the obvious.
Notizen 1.1.2020: To tattoo my ass in bold: “Ich bin ein Verbrecher!”
The Curse: Leon 32
There is someone I am trying to forget.
Consciously thinking:
He’s troublesome, irresposnisbly living everyday like it were his last, no education, no plans, no loving family, no savings, awkward artist, messed up apartement with too many roomates, he sits on the…