Writing and erasing lines.. not sure where to store my thoughts.
Falling asleep, you appear in my dreams, also in bright days awake.
More than I’d like to admit, you’re driving butterflies.
I tell them to rest because it makes me feel dizzy.
Thinking about you, judging you, it’s easy.
Then I reflect upon your actions.
They speak better than any cliché.
You’re raw and wild.
Sitting on the naked bottom of my depths.
Missing you secretly.
Not even I know.
You are.
But you hang on the cliffs of my emotions, without a safety line.
What are you doing here?
I ask myself, risking your heartbeat.
I do not know.
Are you my unfulfilled love?
The yellow flowers talk to me.
I see you in them, calling.
And I run faster.
Maybe they will stop one day.
And I will forget.
Or look away.
Or ignore your magnetic pull.