Member-only story
Uncomfortable Chair
A Stoic tale
I want to be a philosopher.
We have an available chair for you.
I shall join.
Where is everybody?
I can’t see or hear anything?!
Where is the class, the debate, the teacher?
I am uncomfortable here.
I can’t think of anything.
I am cold.
Can I have something?
What something?
I am disabled, there is nothing I could do.
Can I have a glass of water?
Can I stretch?
Can I walk around?
I am allergic to this light and this fabric and this room.
Can I go outside now?
I need to call my doctor.
I have serious back pain.
I need to call my psychologist.
I am mentally sick.
Can I have more water?
And some fruit?
Can I go to the toilet?
Can I rest now?
Can I scream?
Can I cry?