My Cuddle-Call-Boy?!

Cormoran Lee
8 min readMay 21, 2019


“Sand dune + Watermelon + Sunset + Laughing + Wind - Nonsense - Makeup - Phone : You&Me = ?;)”

No, I don’t want to follow you on Instagram.

No, I don’t want to buy you a drink or useless gifts.

No, I don’t want to talk hours on the phone or exchange endless messages.

No, I don’t want to take it too seriously.

No, I don’t want to forget you tomorrow.

No, I don’t want to have sex tonight.

No, I don’t want to talk about $hit.

No, I don’t want to go home asap.

No, I don’t want to play games.

No, I don’t want to hurt you.

No, I don’t want to say what you expect me to say.

No, I don’t want to wait till the perfect moment.

No, I don’t want to pretend.

No, I don’t want to be fancy.

No, I don’t want to sell myself.

No, I don’t want you to seduce me.

No, I don’t want to impress your friends.

No, I don’t want to play it hard to get.

Another cocktail darling? (When the hell is she going to get drunk so I could drag her to my hotel room)

What’s the freaking complicated thing about relationships?


Why do we all need to follow society’s norms and get so frustrated?

Why do we all have to think, say and do what everyone does?

Why do we all have to creep behind the scenes when we want to do something refreshingly awesome?

Why do we all feel like criminals when trying to initiate something different?

Why do we all stick to the rules if they absolutely don’t work for us?

Why do we all hide behind the screen and collaborating with this fake world?

Why do we all rush to put successful titles on our lives if what we really want to do is play more, think less, feel real, and keep it simple?

Allow me to reinvent relationships together with you.


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

I wish I could tell you all about it, but I can share only my humble point of view from recent years.. Since I have been sailing, travelling, and nomadizing around the world, I am going to focus on short term meaningful relationships that I learned to appreciate. You know out, I am just going to freestyle and let’s what happens!

I have learned to live ‘short-termly’ because when life is changing all around you or you’re changing all around life — There is only one way to approach it= Do it now! tomorrow is dead, yesterday is faded.

You learn to appreciate the beauty of life by the minute- It doesn’t really makes sense to throw an anchor and keep on sailing simultaneously right?! So you stop doing that to your yourself and to your instant partners.

INSTANT sounds so superficial and artificial but if you’re aware enough of who you are and what this heart of yours is pumping for.. you’re going to start adapting your mindset and your actions towards something whooooooopsy fantastic!

In a world of ‘human robots’, when 95% of the population just copy-past each other’s behaviour it is extremely difficult to squeeze in a fresh approach.

Oopsy! I like it cozy, but accidently only.. ;)

So shall we take our measuring tape, temperature check, calculator, calender, watch and other numerical devices and throw them back in our tool box for next time we are going to do something logical. Logic ain’t nothing but a thing when Romance and your heart BANG. *Butt could be replaced with heart, still counts.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, we are, together with the rest of the world, destroying the simplicity of fun and flowing Romance.

When did we start to take everything so seriously, so dramatically, so heavily?

Who is programing our minds to say this or do this so robotically?

What I see is a very big jelly fish on your face, and you tell me it’s nothing.

Allow me to throw the auquarium you live in from the 99th floor just for the splash of it? do you mind breaking something for once? don’t be shy.. it’s going to be fun, promise.

Now that everything we know is broken — this fake safe zone we are trying to protect is no longer a priority, we could proceed.

1 2 4 7…. Bammmmmmmm!

Back in Rosemary Dream I have noticed that most of the guests are ridiculous fans of domesticated animals. We live with 3 dogs and 3 cats and that is a bunch of clowns to play with.

People shake hands with other people but when it comes to pets - ‘no sweat my pet’ = #cuddlingtime #pillowfight

Are you also closing your eyes? ;)

The party is where the people are.

People like people.

People like party.

But we don’t have to sip some drinks to get going, all we need to do is to peel our layers of crap and approach with a courageous smile.

“Every one goes to a cocktail party, dressed up, perfumed, full battery, sitting around their friend’s table, waiting to get high so maybe they could start dancing and flirtting naturally, but until then, they small talk and gossip about da di da”

All these people are actually craving for company… cuddling, laughing and so on.. So what are you sitting there, and putting your Tinder radar on?

What are you exactly hoping to get? Everything is around you and you’re going to the digital world, hoping to find something juicy for tonight?

You don’t have to feel like a criminal it’s ok, I know this feeling.

So what, you’re/she’s leaving tomorrow, who cares?

Tonight is the only resource you have, why throwing that away? you can’t use it tomorrow, it’s gone.

We crave human warmth but we go to cuddle with the pets.. because it’s allowed, because they’re interested too, because there are no games, because there are no rules, because it’s simple.


We could be all sitting in the living room and watch reality shows that wash our brains to act in a superficial way. Pfffffff mamacita, turn that $hit off if we’re ever to be real people.

How do we expect to behave when our mindset is stained by those inexhaustible amounts of mental rubbish?

So… who’s the crazy in this story?

The ‘in your face’ honest, real and extreme?

or the plastic, fancy and normative?

Who do we want to be?

So, what’s up with that marriage deal?

Let’s role and fall in love and one day it will happen or it might not.. but that’s ok…

Why so many people break up nowadays? It’s part of nature.

You want to fight nature — good luck.

You think you’re going to live forever — good luck.

There is a massive gap between how nature programed us and how we are tying to re-program nature. It doesn’t work. Wake up!

Everything is temporary, and it’s awesome it is, why?

“Because you can flow and fall in love and get wild and get foolish and give all of you and make love and teach and learn and forget all about it when the day has gone.. and there is nothing sad about it.. it is so beautiful that you can be the best you for 4 minutes, 4 hours, 4 days, 4 weeks.. it doesn’t have to last forever.. not the feeling, not the commitment, not the sunshine, not the connection, not the attraction, not the affection so let it evaporate when it does.. it’s like a birthday balloon you hang in your room.. it becomes so irrelavent at one point, it becomes ugly and at the end it explodes or fades away, so what.. you’re getting older, but if your birthday was really the blast — you don’t need no balloons and no instagram stories.. what you have is a real connection to a new person you’ve met, you fell in love, you shared intimacy, you shared your treasures with each other, you shared special moments, time stood by and was ashamed to go by so slowly, it feels good here, who are you actually, I feel like I know you for years now, I feel that’s the top of my life, I didn’t feel like this for years, how do you do it to me, how do you make me feel so special, we talk for hours, then hug for hours without a word, we glance, we touch, we dream, we day fantasize and we realize, we actualize those dreams, we dare, we mistake, we ask, we fall asleep, we wake up smiling, we are at peace, we are excited, we are romanticized, it feels surreal, it feels like friendship, it feels now, it feels good, it feels me, what I was hoping to feel.. what this life is all about, it’s warm, it’s protected but it’s wild, I love it, I love you, I love to love you and I am not afraid to say it even though I don’t know why I said it or whether I am going to feel it tomorrow but today it’s good, it’s fun, I feel funny in my tummy when I say it, it’s easy, it’s puppy love, it’s childish but mature, it’s so romantic, so fresh, so refreshing I can’t go back now.. I delete my apps, I delete hazardous contacts, I delete troublesome thoughts, I delete calculated risks and I visualize myself — skipping in the street, smiling widely and radiating that free me to allow my inner stupid wisdom to attract another, what happened yesterday, I remember, I cherish, I keep in touch, we talk, we love as friends now, we respect, we communicate openly, we give advice, we share experiences, long distance, it’s ok, we don’t force reality now, we don’t cry for older days, we don’t hope for sunny ones, we smile, we go, we fool around, we dance with our eyes closed, with talk to strangers with contagious joy, we challenge whatever blocking norms are creeping back into our lives, we are out-loud and we are friendly.

Highlighted ponies because we fell asleep again on the sand dune, ‘surfers tan’, red cheeks, sweet watermelon, silly kisses, who are you? I don’t remember but that’s ok I know you’re real”

Duna do Por do Sol, Jericoacara, Brazil. Where rules are broken and magics happen.



Cormoran Lee
Cormoran Lee

Written by Cormoran Lee

I pour my heart involuntarily into words, since I found that writing is the ultimate solution for a nightmarish sailing journey. I can still connect with you :)

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