Philosophers’ Touchdown
The Hedonist said to the Cynic: Enough with this self-pity and resistancy! come, let’s get you a decent cover and a fair drink.
The Cynic: I appreciate your offer but I do not desire any of that.
The Hedonist: You have no choice.. If you are ever to be happy.
C: I am happy regardless of this unnecessary privileged lifestyle.
H: Listen, this life is not guaranteed forever, you know? You are a reletively mature man, your days are limited.
C: I have no concern whatsoever.
H: You should be concerned.
H: Look around you, you’re the only folk that’s suffering in the most glamerous times in history.
C: Do you copy fancy boy wanna be noble knight?! I will be sitting and chilling here while you can all go and lose your senses with those unnecessary pleasures.
H: I cannot allow you to do that unfortunately.
H: You are disturbing the peace of the most flourishing culture.
C: Shall I say the same to you?
H: Listen Puppylove, you’re the only bunch of agony in this city.
C: And my street-dog-brossss.
H: The dogs are irrelevant since they have a different set of beliefs or none at all.
C: Ah ha, so instead of being inspired by the happiest creatures around, you distinct yourself from what is the most natural form of life. a low maintenance happy kind of thrill.
H: That is what you call life? This is self torture! All the women, the delicacies, the joys are here — a footstep outside your lil shady dirty shack.
C: One thing you don’t know about me is that I used to be you.
H: ‘Donde el Diablo perdió el poncho’?!
C: Obviamente. A place I’ll never go back to.
H: You’re there now, whether you like it or not.
C: I can be physically here or there, but guess what! I overcame the physical world you’re so dependent on.
H: Your imagination is wild but you’re still stuck here with me!
H: Maybe my happiness is exteranally dependent but I am lovvvvvvving life woooooo hooooooooo!
C: You’re never going to be satisfied, easy calculation.
H: What makes you think this way, I haven’t failed so far.
C: What happens if you can’t get enough of that thing that you desire any longer?
H: That will never happen because I am rich, young and well connected.
H: You know, people like me never fall, easy calculation.
C: Everyone falls!
H: You’re the only person I can see which has literally fallen.
C: I decided to fall and that’s why I am here.
H: Definitely NUTS! What am I going to do with you now. You’re supposed to be arrested.
C: Instead of arresting me and causing suffering to you and me, let me teach you and be your philosophy mentor.
H: If you can convince me and help somehow — I will reward you with an awful woman and a bottle of the cheapest wine. But that is our deal, you have to accept my terms and conditions!
C: Agreed.
C: Roger that, Justin Bieber! Tomorrow, you’re going to walk to the well and bring your own water for the day.
H: You’re getting yourself in trouble now!
C: See you tomorrow.
Passing aristocrat the day after: What’s your problem?! are you acting as a slave now? What flimflam are you up to?
H: Mind your own gossip!
C: Why are you angry?
H: I am making myself a fool! My reputation is all down the trash!
C: Why do you care so much?
H: Things you’ll never know! People know me, I am someone in this town!
C: People know you and.. What are you trying to prove them?
H: I am an honorable man. I can’t do this S!#$ anymore.
C: Ok, I will see you tomorrow same place, same time, same mission.
H: Crapppppp!
C: Are you losing your mind?
H: I am ok, just get outta here, I cannot be seen too much around you.
Passing noble woman the day after: Who’s that strange man dressed up like that and carrying water on his own?
H: It’s me, ME! Can’t you see?
Noble woman: I don’t know anyone who carries his own water.
H: Listen, homeless, lifeless person! I am sick of that game of yours! you destroy my life step by step and I slowly become you!
C: That’s good, welcome to the club.
C: See you tomorrow.
H: Today I don’t care about anything. I am going to get my water and ingore setbacks.
H: Hey Cynic! I finished my missions, enough is enough! This is not helping anyway and you are in trouble.
C: Let’s review your progress. 1. You are less dependent and more resilient. 2. You are not moved by external gratification and people’s approval 3. You are more fit, calm and modest.
C: You passed the first test.
H: WHATEVER! Now it’s your turn Puppylove!
H: Woman and wine will be celebrated tonight and you won’t whine any longer alright?!
C: What am I suppose to do?
H: Stop suffering and start enjoying.
C: Deal, bring it on.
H: What is going on here?
C: I had the best time of my life! Like you told me to do! :)
H: Why is she still here? Why the hell are you hugging this slave?
C: Slave, hugging? what’s wrong?
H: What have you been doing?
C: We had a nice conversation about life, she gifted the bottle of wine to a stranger. she opened her heart to me, crying, laughing and feeling protected. Then she fell asleep in my arms..
H: What’s wrong with you!? Can’t you have some ‘proper’ fun for once?!
H: You failed!
Passing Stoic: Everyone is right. You are both doing an incredible work teasing and testing each other’s beliefs. Now, instead of arguing and fighting all the time, shall we all agree that those 2 extremes are harmful and unnecessary in order to ‘live a good life’?
H: I want everything!
C: I want nothing!
S: Life is beautiful and short that’s why it should be celebrated. On the other hand — our hunger never seems to end, that’s why we should recognize that and control our desires and withstand external temptations.
H & C: What is he talking about?!
S: Hedonist, you can keep up enjoying life’s beauty as long as you stay simple and humble. Let your hungry eyes rest and let your heart lead the way means that you are always going to do the right thing.
H: How do I know what is the right thing to do?
S: Think about what the Cynic would probably do.
S: Cynic, You can keep up being simplistic and humble as long as you can enjoy life’s beauty. Let your hungry eyes dream and fantasize about life’s endless possibilites and let your heart rest, you cannot save the world by disconnecting from anything else around you.
C: How will I know when enough is enough?
S: Think about what the Stoic would probably do.